These are all the comics I read on a regular basis or just
comics that i firmly believe in. Arius, this is the worst damn banner I have ever seen! As a punishment for such bad designer skills (he's a graphic design major for God's sakes!), it will not go anywhere when anyone should click on it. |
This guy... This is the guy... yyyeeeaahhh (hic!) | |
If you haven't heard of Greg Dean just go back to living in your cave, on mars, with your eyes shut and your fingers plugged into your ears. | |
They're the same age as me. They have practically the same majors that I do. We should have equally good web comics and sites, right? Right?! Why, God?! Why doest thou test me so?! | |
Jeremy is a great great comic. Go read it. Now. It's amazing how few people have him linked! | |
Another strip I don't see enough links to. Very funny. The characters are so ludicrously developed that you can't help but become a fan. | |
Strings of Fate is the kind of comic that will kick your ass and have you crawl back begging for more. Much like that sordid relationship I used to have with "Mistress Jessica". | |
Very funny. Especially if you're a gamer. But that kind of goes with any 8-bit gaming comic. I actually laughed out loud as I read this. | |
Annie the hardcore gamer. The title says it all. Very interesting story lines and funny plot twists. I'd do her. | |
About, although not limited to, two guys in an anime club. I can relate to much of what they talk about since I started the anime club at my college. But yeah, good stuff. | |
Kiss the Pan. I don't know what the title means but man is this comic funny! It's one of those underappreciated ones that you stumble upon. I only wish my site were actually popular so I could get him more hits. | |
It's 8-bit theater, man. What do you want from me? | |
This is a very artistic and strange sort of comic. I think that it is fantastic! Very worthy of praise. Just go check it out. | |
A strip done by Raincoat Jones, one bad mutha... Shut yo' mouth! Baby, I'm just talkin bout 'coat! Then we can diggit! | |
A very interesting group of individuals do stuff. And it's funny. Go read it. | |